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My HONEST Advice To Any Woman Who Wants To Get Healthy

A colleague of mine recently invited me to speak at an event. The members of the audience I will be speaking to have 1 thing in common: they want to overcome the mindset that keeps them stuck in a cycle of emotional overeating.

This colleague told me she doesn’t provide nutrition of health support to her clients, hence why she invited me to join and coach her clients.

She mentioned that as a former health and fitness coach who struggled herself for 20+ years dieting, she understands that beyond our mindset, there are many habits and underlying physiological aspects that can contribute to being stuck in an unhealthy relationship with food.

I know this group of women I will be speaking to will likely have specific questions about their health, nutrition and lifestyle so in preparation for the event, I took some time to think about what HONEST advice would I give as an UnDiet Nutritionist to women who want to be healthy & have a healthy relationship with food at the same time.

And I have a feeling, you may be interested in this too, so I thought I share a little bit of what I would advise if you would ask me this question.

It sincerely hope it helps you!

Here we go:

1.     Say goodbye to the all or nothing mentality: if you’re the kind of woman who has extremely high expectations of yourself, is a perfectionist or type A, you may find yourself bouncing through extremes and just doing too much of everything and accepting nothing less than perfect. While the world encourages this kind of behaviour, the reality is that becoming a healthier version of yourself will be much easier and profound if you can get yourself to do little things for your wellbeing on a regular and consistent basis.

2.     Set a goal and stay with it: For a while even myself questioned the whole notion of setting goals. Do I really need to be always working towards something? So I let myself wander around for a while and I ended up confused, influenced and plain following other people’s paths instead of my own. Setting goals gives your brain a clear instruction this is something that is meaningful and worth pursuing. It’s very difficult to accomplish something if we haven’t made a decision on it. So I encourage you to set your goals and commit to seeing them through completion. Modifying things along the way is part of the process but constantly changing our minds, is likely going to take us nowhere.

3.     Block influencers and be honest with yourself about what you really want: this follows up on the previous point. Once you decided what’s important to YOU, be mindful that you will encounter many opportunities to get distracted and think what someone else is doing is more important or better than what you’re doing. But this isn’t necessarily true. Once you took the time to think through what YOU need and want to accomplish, give yourself an extra help and tune out the noise around you. It will make it easier to stay focused.

4.     Eat all macronutrients: at the risk of being repetitive, I’m including this one because I can’t really talk about health without talking about how essential a well-rounded and balanced way of eating is. While food trends and diets get endorsed and demolished all the time (remember when everyone was jumping on keto and we ended up with MORE metabolic issues?) eating in a way that is in tune with nature is a recipe for health & wellbeing. If you need help on this front, I have a TON of resources available so please don’t hesitate to tell me what you need.

5.     Prioritize sleep and stress management like your life depends on it (because it does): If you’re not feeling well these days, if you’re feeling tired, pessimistic and run down, START WITH THIS ONE and please DO NOT FEEL GUILTY for needing a nap or having to distance yourself from stress-inducers. This doesn’t make you less than or weak. Respecting your own needs for rest and setting boundaries of the people and things that increase your stress is one of the smartest and most generous things you will ever do for yourself.

6.     Make exercise a non-negotiable: forget bootcamps and extreme fitness interventions. I see women lifting crazy things these days and pushing themselves to do things their bodies are not right with. PLEASE listen to your body. Your body wants to move, needs to move and was meant to move. Find ways to stay active throughout your life as your abilities and lifestyle change but don’t compromise on this. Research proves time and again that together with a well-balanced diet this is THE key to health and longevity.


Are you interested in learning more about how I may support you in your health journey in a way that is balanced, sustainable, and gentle?


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